
Turbo Meeting Client Software (for sharing your screen)
Share your screen with Visionary technical support by downloading Turbo Meeting client software. After downloading, run 'TurboMeetingStarter.exe' to install.
Turbo Meeting Web Link (for viewing a live presentation)
Start a Turbo Meeting here.
Product Downloads
Product download links are provided at the time of purchase. To get product updates select the 'Help\updates\' menu item from your Visionary software. Note: Product udpates require an active support plan.
Visionary Viewer
Visionary VDP
Digital audio player that will open and play project files created with Visionary's VDR product. Visionary VDP is available here.
NCH's Pedable software allows Visionary's VDP to interface with Infinity foot pedals.Pedable is available here. You can learn how to configure Pedable to work with VDP in this screencast
Microsoft Windows Media Encoder, version 9
Media Encoder is used by various Visionary software programs to render video files for output of clips. Microsoft no longer has this product on their web site. This is the most recent version of the software. Media Encoder
Microsoft Expressions Encoder
Media Encoder is used by various Visionary software programs to render video files for output of clips. Microsoft no longer has this product on their web site. This is the most recent version of the software. Media Encoder
Microsoft .Net Framework
Microsoft's .Net framework is used by many Visionary products. You can down load it here